BASH your life!

01/12/2010 1:59 AM (#1435) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web,

Dekar: you didn't pay your tithes - only a witch would do that
UndeadxAssassin: Uh.
UndeadxAssassin: I meant to say I AM out of town.
UndeadxAssassin: :D.
Dekar: okay you have time till tomorrow
Dekar: I think she lives in Pasadena in Maryland
UndeadxAssassin: O_O
Dekar: Gotta contact the local witchhunters
UndeadxAssassin: I'm still confused about how you knew that o.o
Dekar: I just asked GOD :D
ChatBot: Dekar has been logged out (Timeout).
UndeadxAssassin: I'm scared to know how DEkar knew where I lived o.o
UndeadxAssassin: I don't remember ever telling him o.o

01/09/2010 9:40 AM by Dekar (#1434) | Rating: 24 | Click here to give a one star rating!24 | Click here to give a one star rating!24 | Click here to give a three star rating!24 | Click here to give a four star rating!24 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on MSN

(02:01:55 AM) Dekar:
(02:02:00 AM) Dekar: looks nasty XD
(02:02:04 AM) ozzapoo: OH
(02:02:06 AM) ozzapoo: YUCK
(02:02:14 AM) ozzapoo: *close*
(02:02:21 AM) ozzapoo: *wipe screen*
(02:02:23 AM) Dekar: XD
(02:02:40 AM) Dekar: that's how they look
(02:02:46 AM) Dekar: taste fine though
(02:03:25 AM) Dekar: depends though - there are several types, some uber hot, some really salty
(02:03:29 AM) ozzapoo: O.o
(02:03:45 AM) ozzapoo: i'm amazed at how ppl make these foods
(02:03:54 AM) ozzapoo: like, how people invented them
(02:04:05 AM) ozzapoo: Oh, I think i'll just leave this vegetable in a jar of vinegar for ages.
(02:04:17 AM) ozzapoo: Oh, now it looks disgusting, let's eat it!

01/09/2010 9:35 AM by Dekar (#1433) | Rating: 20 | Click here to give a one star rating!20 | Click here to give a one star rating!20 | Click here to give a three star rating!20 | Click here to give a four star rating!20 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web,

(09:31:23 AM) ozzapoo: -.-
(09:31:57 AM) ozzapoo: My dad thought it would be fun to try out a random frige he found on the street
(09:32:05 AM) ozzapoo: it broke our power circuit.
(09:32:20 AM) ozzapoo: lol
(09:32:22 AM) Dekar: lol
(09:32:25 AM) Dekar: EPIC
(09:32:26 AM) Dekar: :D
(09:32:29 AM) ozzapoo: OH GOD
(09:32:32 AM) ozzapoo: PLEASE DONT PUT THIS ON OB

12/26/2009 1:52 AM by 2Pac (#1432) | Rating: 24 | Click here to give a one star rating!24 | Click here to give a one star rating!24 | Click here to give a three star rating!24 | Click here to give a four star rating!24 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

(01:51:13) UndeadxAssassin: "You could say that rap is missing a c"
(01:51:17) UndeadxAssassin: "wtf is rapc?!"
(01:51:27) UndeadxAssassin: "No, you idiot. You put it in the front!"
(01:51:31) UndeadxAssassin: "Oh, I get it. You meant crap"
(01:51:40) UndeadxAssassin: "Well, I suppose you could always add an e"
(01:51:44) UndeadxAssassin: "wtf is erap?!"
(01:51:45) UndeadxAssassin: xD

12/19/2009 10:25 PM by Ozzapoo (#1431) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, W3E Chat

(08:06:10) Black-Hole: ... Norton deleted MPQMaster ROFL


(08:22:03) Black-Hole: ...
(08:22:20) Black-Hole: Thats gay...

Norton deleted AUTOCP
(08:22:24) Tupac_Shakur: LOL
(08:22:36) Tupac_Shakur: HAHAHAHAHHAHA, sorry man, but this is just..funny as hell
(08:22:39) Ozzapoo: Delete norton now!
(08:22:43) Black-Hole: This is the first time nortons ever given me a False reading...
(08:22:44) Ozzapoo: did you pay for that shit?
(08:22:53) Black-Hole: Norton 2010 is amazing im sorry
(08:22:56) Tupac_Shakur: pay for whut?
(08:23:00) Black-Hole: Norton
(08:23:14) Tupac_Shakur: was it expensive?
(08:23:22) Black-Hole: 100$ a year...
(08:23:25) Black-Hole: for 3 computer
(08:23:29) Tupac_Shakur: LOL
(08:23:36) Hillo: fail

12/19/2009 5:07 AM by Bartimaeus (#1430) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(2009.12.18 - 19:39:38) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) BART LIKES TO INVADE PRIVACY.
2009.12.18 - 19:40:03) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) WHISPERS ARE MEANT TO BE READ BY THE PERSON THEY'RE WHISPERED TO
(2009.12.18 - 19:41:18) FatherSpace: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) Bartimaeus doth be quite the noobeth.
(2009.12.18 - 19:42:07) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) SO STOP READING MAH WHISPERS
(2009.12.18 - 19:43:30) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) You're damn right it's none of your business!
(2009.12.18 - 19:52:08) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) I AM FLAMING BOOK OUT OF THE PRIVACY OF MY SELF!
(2009.12.18 - 19:52:31) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) ANYONE WHO READS THIS NEEDS TO GET A LIFE BECAUSE THEY BE MESSIN WITH MAH PRIVACY
(2009.12.18 - 19:52:52) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) LIEK FO SRS, YO! STOP REEDIN MAH PRIVATE WHISPURS
(2009.12.18 - 19:53:11) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) CAPS LICK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL
(2009.12.18 - 19:53:15) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) Lock* :(
(2009.12.18 - 19:53:53) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) Rhingo Bingo Dingo! YOu who have read this is now cursed to be a noob for life!
(2009.12.18 - 19:54:02) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) NOOB FOR LIFE I SAY
(2009.12.18 - 19:55:47) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) The only way you can de-curse yourself is to spam your name in chat when a person with a green name containing the letters n u i n s d e s a a s d s x a in any order is in the chat room!
(2009.12.18 - 19:55:53) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) And you must not delete said spam!
(2009.12.18 - 19:55:56) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) OR ELSE!
(2009.12.18 - 19:56:02) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) RHINGO BINGO DINGO!
(2009.12.18 - 19:56:25) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) I definitely took one too many drinks today...
(2009.12.18 - 19:56:41) UndeadxAssassin: Bart's in for a nice surprise when he reads the chat log o.o
(2009.12.18 - 19:56:48) UndeadxAssassin: Granted, he's probably reading it now o.o
(2009.12.18 - 19:59:07) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) Hay Bart, if you're reading this..
(2009.12.18 - 19:59:37) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) You should totally pop in when I say "BARTIMAEUS, I SUMMON THEE FROM THE DEPTHS OF...California...COME HITHER!"
(2009.12.18 - 19:59:40) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) :D
(2009.12.18 - 19:59:56) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) I'll give you a while to read that o_o
(2009.12.18 - 20:00:01) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) zzzzz
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:31) UndeadxAssassin: BARTIMAEUS, I SUMMON THEE FROM THE DEPTHS OF...California...COME HITHER!
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:35) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs into the Chat.
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:37) Bartimaeus: I have been summoned, and so shall I come. What is your need?
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:38) UndeadxAssassin: ROFL
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:41) UndeadxAssassin: I LOVE YOU BART
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:48) Black-Hole: ROFL
(2009.12.18 - 20:01:57) Panda-Assassin: can i summon you bart?
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:06) FatherSpace: Bart, can you grant me 3 wishes?
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:09) Bartimaeus: No. Only my most worthy disciples can.
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:10) UndeadxAssassin: Holy crap that was awesome
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:16) Bartimaeus: ...No, UndeadxAssassin summoned me.
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:20) FatherSpace: What the hell am I if not that?
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:43) Bartimaeus: Undead summoned me - the guy in the next room doesn't get to make the wishes.
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:46) Black-Hole: Bart do you hate me?
(2009.12.18 - 20:02:47) Bartimaeus: lol
(2009.12.18 - 20:03:07) Black-Hole: Thats a serious Question

Things went downhill from there.

12/18/2009 11:08 PM by Bartimaeus (#1429) | Rating: 19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a three star rating!19 | Click here to give a four star rating!19 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

009.12.18 - 14:03:33) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /afk
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:36) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /Away
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:38) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /away
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:41) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /brb
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:43) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /dnd
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:45) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /cry
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:47) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /sad
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:51) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /mad
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:52) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /error
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:56) ChatBot: Error: Missing username.
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:59) (Aardvark): ...

One comment

12/18/2009 10:52 PM by Bartimaeus (#1428) | Rating: 19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a three star rating!19 | Click here to give a four star rating!19 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(2009.12.18 - 13:49:46) lichistheman: Are you german?
(2009.12.18 - 13:49:50) lichistheman: Or do you speak German?
(2009.12.18 - 13:49:58) Bartimaeus: ...No, I'm American. And nope.
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:05) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's problem?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:08) UndeadxAssassin: ...

(she deletes the two previous messages)

(2009.12.18 - 13:50:11) lichistheman: Darn, well, can you still get on mumble?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:11) UndeadxAssassin: I'm half drunk again
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:13) Bartimaeus: ...
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:14) UndeadxAssassin: I meant brother*
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:14) Bartimaeus: lol
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:22) Bartimaeus: I don't have Mumble.
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:27) lichistheman: Get it?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:36) Bartimaeus: lol Undead
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:38) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's brother?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:47) Bartimaeus: (2009.12.18 - 13:50:05) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's problem?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:0 UndeadxAssassin: ...
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:51) lichistheman: DAMIT
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:55) UndeadxAssassin: Stop that.
(2009.12.18 - 13:51:04) UndeadxAssassin: Posts are deleted for a reason!
(2009.12.18 - 13:51:06) Bartimaeus: Thank you for your patronage, Undeadx.

12/18/2009 8:29 AM by Bartimaeus (#1427) | Rating: 19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a three star rating!19 | Click here to give a four star rating!19 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(2009.12.17 - 23:20:58) Bartimaeus: See ya', guys.
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:01) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs out of the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:05) Ozzapoo: Cya
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:06) (Aardvark): Cause Pluto dosnt travel in a normal Patturn around the Sun like the other plannets its traveling suggests its being pulled by the planet nearest it
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:14) Ozzapoo: Now im relatively certain bart's not coming back
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:23) Ozzapoo: So let's talk shit about him!
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:31) (Aardvark): You can!
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:32) kiwwi93: lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:39) (Aardvark):
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:41) Ozzapoo: Ok
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:44) Ozzapoo: ..
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:47) Ozzapoo: Bart sucks! XD
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:51) kiwwi93: yeah ill stay away from that
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:55) (Aardvark): Lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:15) (Aardvark): I wana see bart come back into the chat right now!
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:22) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs into the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:23) Bartimaeus: A fool to the end, are we, Ozzapoo? Heheh. That'll catch up with you sooner or later.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:24) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:28) Ozzapoo: WHAT THE FUCK.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:35) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:37) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:38) (Aardvark): ROFl
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:39) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:43) kiwwi93: HAHAHA lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:56) Ozzapoo: I HATE YOU
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:03) (Aardvark): I love you to ozza :p
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:10) Bartimaeus: Hopefully, this'll be the last time I have to come in here. I would be VERY disappointed otherwise, Ozzapoo.
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:18) (Aardvark): Bart
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:28) Bartimaeus: Good sir, yes?
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:33) (Aardvark): Were you somehow watching the chat?
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:37) Ozzapoo: That implies somebody is telling you I'm saying bad things about you ;O
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:37) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:46) Bartimaeus: How can I be watching the chat? I logged off.
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:53) (Aardvark): :/
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:54) Bartimaeus: Unless I'm kiwwi. Think about that.


12/18/2009 8:03 AM by Bartimaeus (#1426) | Rating: 17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a three star rating!17 | Click here to give a four star rating!17 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(2009.12.17 - 22:55:57) Bartimaeus: Well, I'm going to bed. It's been a nice chat guys - feel free to say crap behind my back while I'm gone; you guys probably do, anyways.
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:03) Bartimaeus:
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:08) Black-Hole: Na
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:14) Black-Hole: That only ozza
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:19) Bartimaeus: Heh.
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:32) Black-Hole: You dislike me and yet im the only one that dosnt make mean statements about you
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:35) Ozzapoo: Cya
(2009.12.17 - 22:56:44) Ozzapoo: Lol
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:02) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs out of the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:15) Ozzapoo: Let's say bad shit behind his back XD
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:21) Black-Hole: You can :p
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:16) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:37) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:39) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:41) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:43) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:44) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:46) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:48) ChatBot: Black-Hole rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:55) Black-Hole: hmm
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:53) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs into the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:55) Black-Hole: hmm
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:55) Bartimaeus: And Ozzapoo? I'm always watching.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:58) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs out of the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 22:57:59) Black-Hole: hi bart
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:02) Black-Hole: lol
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:03) Black-Hole: ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:08) Black-Hole: ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:13) Black-Hole: ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:18) Black-Hole: That was funny
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:29) Black-Hole: Hes watching you Ozza!
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:41) Kelvingts: Bart is standing beside me
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:50) ChatBot: Black-Hole is now known as (Aardvark).
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:52) (Aardvark): :p
(2009.12.17 - 22:58:57) (Aardvark): Lol
(2009.12.17 - 22:59:22) (Aardvark): Haha ozzas all quiet now..
(2009.12.17 - 22:59:42) Kelvingts: He was scared.

One comment