BASH your life!

04/29/2011 6:06 AM (#1486) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(19:55:42) Bartimaeus: Hi, Jen.
(19:55:47) UndeadxAssassin: Gai Vart
(19:55:54) UndeadxAssassin: Bai Hart
(19:56:07) UndeadxAssassin: Hai Bart
(19:56:10) UndeadxAssassin: Hey I got it ;o

04/29/2011 6:05 AM (#1485) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(23:02:43) Bartimaeus: What's the point of going by a username if you're just going to call yourself your real name?
(23:03:41) AbusivePie: It's for people you are better aquanaut with


04/08/2011 4:59 PM by Dekar (#1484) | Rating: 12 | Click here to give a one star rating!12 | Click here to give a one star rating!12 | Click here to give a three star rating!12 | Click here to give a four star rating!12 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on ICQ

Dekar: oh and I like rainbow loris
Dekar: epic colors
Jen: Epic colors.

03/23/2011 12:37 AM by Dekar (#1483) | Rating: 17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a three star rating!17 | Click here to give a four star rating!17 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on ICQ

649259057:NOGINSK ×ÀÒ!
649259057: 369546994
Dekar: hey
Dekar: spam here as well
Dekar: wanna buy viagra?

03/08/2011 10:47 PM by UndeadxAssassin (#1482) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, AIM

Bartimaeus 4:25 pm
Do you have any babies I could eat?

03/04/2011 1:03 AM (#1481) | Rating: 5 | Click here to give a one star rating!5 | Click here to give a one star rating!5 | Click here to give a three star rating!5 | Click here to give a four star rating!5 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on , Attellmavoiva

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03/02/2011 9:26 AM (#1480) | Rating: 5 | Click here to give a one star rating!5 | Click here to give a one star rating!5 | Click here to give a three star rating!5 | Click here to give a four star rating!5 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on , Attellmavoiva

When I am around him for more than a few minutes, my throat would close up and I could hardly breathe. <a href="">cheapest cialis index</a>

03/01/2011 4:40 AM (#1479) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, Bartville

(2010.01.20 - 21:09:56) Bartimaeus: Blabs, what's your opinion on the controversy of the banana?
(2010.01.20 - 21:10:23) blabs: really wtf are u on about
(2010.01.20 - 21:10:29) blabs: i have no idea
(2010.01.20 - 21:10:34) blabs: rofl
(2010.01.20 - 21:11:11) Bartimaeus: I have a banana that's a little under-ripe, and I'm hungry, right? Should I eat it now and enjoy not being as hungry, but suffer from it being under-ripe? Or should I wait until a later date that I might not be as hungry, yet enjoy it more because of it's better and matured taste?
(2010.01.20 - 21:11:43) Bartimaeus: Truly a dilemma.
(2010.01.20 - 21:11:57) blabs: mm ok eat it
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:07) blabs: rofl cant wait for anything
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:16) Bartimaeus: FatherSpace said that would be like drinking arsenic, but Kyubi said it would be O.K.
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:26) blabs: take what u want when u can because it may never return
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:27) Bartimaeus: I can wait, but I might not be as hungry.
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:43) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but I'm hiding it in my computer case.
(2010.01.20 - 21:12:46) Bartimaeus: So that's not a problem.
(2010.01.20 - 21:13:05) blabs: may i ask are u drunk
(2010.01.20 - 21:13:06) blabs: ?
(2010.01.20 - 21:13:12) blabs: lmao
(2010.01.20 - 21:13:25) Bartimaeus: Not at all! Why would you think that, good sir?
(2010.01.20 - 21:13:40) blabs: ummmmmmmmm dont know
(2010.01.20 - 21:14:19) Bartimaeus: I'm just so very hungry, and very excited to eat this banana. But would it be better to wait? A question like this has not been asked in ages, I tell you.
(2010.01.20 - 21:14:22) blabs: well waiting is good if u can i supose
(2010.01.20 - 21:14:33) Bartimaeus: Of course. I haven't eaten all day.
(2010.01.20 - 21:14:48) Bartimaeus: I woke up this morning, decided to eat a banana, noticed it was a little green, and got busy with computer.
(2010.01.20 - 21:14:53) blabs: i just had a pie mm yum
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:17) Bartimaeus: Now it's been like 12 hours, and I still haven't eaten.
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:25) Bartimaeus: It's still as green, unfortunately.
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:27) blabs: yeh me 2 when i got up i came online and cheated 10 maps
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:41) blabs: dont eat it then
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:46) blabs: wait
(2010.01.20 - 21:15:56) blabs: have a glass of water
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:06) blabs: u fell better for a while
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:07) Bartimaeus: That's what I had earlier.
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:07) Bartimaeus:
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:07) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:15) Bartimaeus: Wait.
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:20) Bartimaeus: No, I didn't even do that.
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:25) Bartimaeus: Probably why I have a head-ache.
(2010.01.20 - 21:16:48) Bartimaeus: Okay, so I'll keep the banana in my computer case for two days.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:20) Bartimaeus: Thank you for your wisdom, great and wise Blabs, for I would surely would not have out-lived the day if not for your advice.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:39) Bartimaeus: Um.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:42) Bartimaeus: Lived the day, that is.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:49) Bartimaeus: Don't know why I said "out-lived", lol.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:53) Bartimaeus: Wait.
(2010.01.20 - 21:17:57) Bartimaeus: Yeah, out-lived is right.
(2010.01.20 - 21:18:00) Bartimaeus: Right?
(2010.01.20 - 21:18:25) Bartimaeus: Tomorrow, I'll add a similar one to my case, as well.
(2010.01.20 - 21:18:52) blabs: omg failz
(2010.01.20 - 21:18:56) blabs: rofl
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:02) blabs: im lost
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:07) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:17) Bartimaeus: Where'd I lose you? lol
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:27) blabs: at the shop
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:35) Bartimaeus: Shop?
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:42) blabs: dont worrie
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:47) blabs: its kk
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:52) Bartimaeus: Unless I'm crazier than I think, I don't remember any shop.
(2010.01.20 - 21:19:57) blabs: keep it in your comp for 2 days
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:04) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:11) Bartimaeus: Alright, thanks.
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:14) blabs: u a funny guy
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:18) Bartimaeus: Hopefully, it'll be more ripe by then.
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:21) Bartimaeus: Hi, thanks, you too.
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:28) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:52) blabs: so how many like red guys are there
(2010.01.20 - 21:20:58) Kryptonyte: 60.
(2010.01.20 - 21:21:02) Kryptonyte: Exactly 60.
(2010.01.20 - 21:21:07) Bartimaeus: You know, keeping it in my case doesn't sound like the best idea right now. I mean, if I hit the power button tomorrow morning, the banana peel might conduct the electricy and fry my video card that my banana is sitting under.
(2010.01.20 - 21:21:29) blabs: rofl
(2010.01.20 - 21:21:34) Bartimaeus: electricity*
(2010.01.20 - 21:21:56) blabs: so there are 60 leaders idont think so
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:05) Bartimaeus: I could put it in my hardrive holder...
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:08) Kryptonyte: dude
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:10) Kryptonyte: it's the truth
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:11) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:14) blabs: really
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:14) Kryptonyte: 60 red guys
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:23) blabs: omg
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:27) Bartimaeus: Yeah, we have sixty admins if I remember, correctly.
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:42) blabs: admins are green
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:42) Bartimaeus: Most of them are lazy bums and never get on, but whatever.
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:44) Bartimaeus: They're there.
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:47) Bartimaeus: Nope, they're red.
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:48) blabs: and that arnt they
(2010.01.20 - 21:22:56) blabs: ohh ok
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:07) Bartimaeus: Green is moderator.
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:07) blabs: whats lanaya
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:08) Bartimaeus: See, I'm red.
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:14) Bartimaeus: Blue is super moderator.
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:14) blabs: yeh
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:19) blabs: ok kool
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:22) Bartimaeus: And then other red is Co-Admin.
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:32) blabs: whats a cheaters colour
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:40) Bartimaeus: Purple, if I remember correctly.
(2010.01.20 - 21:23:45) blabs: nice
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:05) Bartimaeus: Most of them are homosexuals, if I recall correctly, so we needed a color to suit them. We asked what they wanted, and that's what they told us.
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:13) Bartimaeus: So don't blame us.l
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:15) blabs: i hope to have a colour one day soon
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:29) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:40) blabs: white is to plane
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:43) blabs: pla
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:47) blabs: n*
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:49) Bartimaeus: Well, White/Black.
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:50) blabs: failz
(2010.01.20 - 21:24:54) blabs: yeh
(2010.01.20 - 21:25:35) Bartimaeus: Well....
(2010.01.20 - 21:25:42) blabs: so ok im off to cheat a map a woderfull map indeed
(2010.01.20 - 21:25:50) Bartimaeus: Okay, have fun.
(2010.01.20 - 21:25:56) blabs: why ty
(2010.01.20 - 21:25:58) blabs: u 2
(2010.01.20 - 21:26:06) blabs:
(2010.01.20 - 21:26:14) Bartimaeus: lol
(2010.01.20 - 21:26:18) Bartimaeus: I'm going to go read a book.
(2010.01.20 - 21:26:23) Bartimaeus: Before I fall over from exhaustion.

02/03/2011 4:28 AM (#1478) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

(2011.02.02 - 21:17:32) Dekar: did you know you could play snake on youtube videos?
(2011.02.02 - 21:17:41) UndeadxAssassin: wat
(2011.02.02 - 21:17:52) Dekar: hold arrow left and press arrow up
(2011.02.02 - 21:18:44) Dekar: while playing a youtube video
(2011.02.02 - 21:20:18) UndeadxAssassin: HOLY SHIT
(2011.02.02 - 21:22:11) Dekar: I died -.-
(2011.02.02 - 21:25:43) UndeadxAssassin: How did you figure this out o.o
(2011.02.02 - 21:26:19) Dekar: read it somewhere in the comments
(2011.02.02 - 21:26:49) UndeadxAssassin: epic
(2011.02.02 - 21:27:25) Dekar: I guess I should have made up something more interesting - like I was drunk and puked onto my keyboard and suddenly I saw dots moving O.o

01/30/2011 3:50 AM by UndeadxAssassin (#1477) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on IRC, wc3edit chat

(21:48:09) UndeadxAssassin: He has to go burn someone
(21:48:12) Bartimaeus: Hurf crematorium -> pier makes no sense, @_@
(21:48:16) UndeadxAssassin: Then release ashes into sea
(21:48:23) UndeadxAssassin: Sure it does!
(21:48:26) Nuuby: my grandmother wished for her ashes to be scattered in the ocean durr
(21:48:27) UndeadxAssassin: You just need to follow XD
(21:48:32) Nuuby: see bart is wols >:
(21:48:33) UndeadxAssassin: See?
(21:48:38) Bartimaeus: I see. What was the hurf for?
(21:48:41) Bartimaeus: >.>
(21:48:45) Bartimaeus: lol
(21:48:47) Bartimaeus: What does wols mean?
(21:48:48) UndeadxAssassin: The name of the Crematorium..?
(21:48:53) Nuuby: meh bart you should have asked whats wols
(21:48:55) UndeadxAssassin: REad it backwards, Bart :D
(21:49:02) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(21:49:05) Nuuby: wols indeed
(21:49:10) UndeadxAssassin: Yupyup.
(21:49:11) Bartimaeus: Sometimes I hate you guys.
(21:49:16) Bartimaeus: >.>
(21:49:16) Nuuby: XD
(21:49:20) UndeadxAssassin: XD