BASH your life!

08/04/2013 3:53 AM (#1525) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(22:51:12) UndeadxAssassin: Practice makes merfect ;o
(22:51:14) UndeadxAssassin: uh
(22:51:17) UndeadxAssassin: perfect*
(22:51:35) UndeadxAssassin: You can see I don't give afvice often ;o
(22:51:40) UndeadxAssassin: ^ Point proven

06/15/2013 3:26 AM by UndeadxAssassin (#1523) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, wc3edit

(23:21:56) Bartimaeus: I'm a Twilight Princess

04/20/2013 2:19 AM (#1521) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat immortalizing moments of Jen being wrong and me being right since late 2007

(21:12:48) Bartimaeus:​forums/read/7.406182-Razer-Will-H​onor-90-Percent-Coupon-Codes
(21:14:12) UndeadxAssassin: If only I had heard of that earlier :o
(21:14:18) Bartimaeus: I know! :|
(21:14:28) Bartimaeus: Would've gotten one of everything. ;o
(21:14:34) Bartimaeus: and then sold most of it
(21:14:53) UndeadxAssassin: It says they're only doing your first item purchase o.o
(21:14:55) UndeadxAssassin: lrn2reed
(21:15:05) Bartimaeus: I thought it was one of each item purchased, o.o
(21:15:22) Bartimaeus: "Razer won't honor multiple unit orders made with the code, but will allow customers who placed them to buy one of each item ordered."
(21:15:24) Bartimaeus: lrn2reed
(21:15:28) UndeadxAssassin: ur face.

One comment

03/17/2013 2:28 PM (#1519) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(09:18:03) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:18:13) 13linkz: lol
(09:18:17) 13linkz: You won't trick me
(09:18:26) 13linkz: I mean you can't
(09:18:29) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:18:40) Bartimaeus: how would I be tricking you exactly
(09:18:54) 13linkz: By making me dumb enough
(09:19:00) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:19:02) 13linkz: to type that
(09:19:04) Bartimaeus: I can make people dumb?
(09:19:25) Bartimaeus: Type /quit? But I can do it...
(09:19:33) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:19:35) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:19:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(09:19:43) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:19:49) 13linkz: damn you bart
(09:19:49) Bartimaeus: Jen would've enjoyed that.
(09:19:50) Bartimaeus: ;o
(09:19:54) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:19:56) Bartimaeus: try a space, o.o
(09:20:02) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:20:07) Bartimaeus: :D
(09:20:13) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:20:15) 13linkz: -.-
(09:20:17) Bartimaeus: You did it wrong, o.o
(09:20:29) 13linkz: LOL!
(09:20:32) Bartimaeus: Do it right and you'll be able to do it, -.-
(09:20:34) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:20:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(09:20:41) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:20:55) 13linkz: I just type " /quit /quit"
(09:21:01) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:21:04) Bartimaeus: Put someone's name after it.
(09:21:07) Bartimaeus: It kicks them instead.
(09:21:11) 13linkz: NO!
(09:21:15) Bartimaeus: i.e. /quit Bartimaeus
(09:21:18) 13linkz: I knew it would kick me
(09:21:33) Bartimaeus: Well, okay then.
(09:21:40) Bartimaeus: Enjoy not getting back at me. :o
(09:21:41) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:21:43) Bartimaeus: rofl

03/15/2013 0:51 AM (#1518) | Rating: 17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a three star rating!17 | Click here to give a four star rating!17 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on IRC, freenode/##stm32

<zyp> good morning
<emeb> what a senseless waste of I/O
<dongs> fucking asshole.
<dongs> s.
<dongs> #stm32 #arduino #rage #morning
<dongs> </tweet>
<dekar__> dongs, don't chip manufacturers do the same by putting an IC in a small package and only bonding some of the pins?
<emeb> dekar__: but usually they have the decency to charge you less for it. :)
<dekar__> emeb, you're mistaking artificial market segmentation for decency :P
<emeb> dekar__: looks the same on the outside.

02/12/2013 8:36 PM (#1517) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Jabber / Google Talk

(07:59:58 PM) rasta: hm
(08:00:26 PM) rasta: ich glaub ich beschäftig mich liebe rweiter mit der justiz
(08:00:46 PM) husten: du. päpste sind staatsoberhaupt.
(08:00:53 PM) husten: die sind justiz!
(08:01:06 PM) rasta: aber ich troll lieber von unten
(08:01:12 PM) rasta: und mach ned herrschaft
(08:01:13 PM) husten: ach komm
(08:01:18 PM) husten: bundespräsident
(08:01:20 PM) husten: hat keine macht
(08:01:30 PM) husten: aber eine tolle position zum trollen
(08:01:42 PM) husten: medienwirksam
(08:01:48 PM) rasta: ne werd ich ned legitimieren sowas
(08:01:57 PM) husten: machst du ja auch nicht
(08:02:02 PM) husten: dafür gibt's die nationalversammlung
(08:02:18 PM) husten: in der promis dich in deinen interessen durch die von dir nicht gewählten parteien vertreten
(08:02:41 PM) husten: es ist also quasi direkt von dir entschieden, wer bundespräsident_in ist
(08:03:06 PM) husten: das ist sowas wie räterepublik
(08:03:21 PM) husten: es passen halt nicht alle in so eine abstimmungshalle (bundestag)
(08:04:28 PM) husten: und daher sendet jede provinz (bundesland) ihre eigene vertretung (landtagsdelegierte) zu den sowieso am ort der abstimmung seienden unterstützer_innen (bundestagsdeligierte)
(08:05:07 PM) husten: einzig nach sozialistischem vorbild der theorien marx'
(08:05:11 PM) rasta: wovon laberst du gerade

02/05/2013 2:42 AM (#1516) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(20:41:40) UndeadxAssassin: I'M LOVE YOU, BART.

01/19/2013 9:01 PM (#1515) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(14:48:19) Bartimaeus: I really need to get a new mouse...I hate not being able to highlight, or select multiple things, or drag-dropping anything, or not double click when I really just clicked once...
(14:49:01) UndeadxAssassin: Why would you want to double click when you really just clicked once?
(14:53:06) Bartimaeus: "I hate not being able to not double click things when I really just clicked once"
(14:53:33) UndeadxAssassin: Nope
(14:53:36) UndeadxAssassin: You set up a series
(14:53:39) UndeadxAssassin: with the verb being
(14:53:46) UndeadxAssassin: "not being able to.. "
(14:54:12) UndeadxAssassin: So everything that comes after that follows the same verb.
(14:54:18) UndeadxAssassin: "not being able to...highlight"
(14:54:22) UndeadxAssassin: not being able multiple things
(14:54:41) UndeadxAssassin: Hrm.
(14:54:44) UndeadxAssassin: Shut up.

12/23/2012 4:53 AM by UndeadxAssassin (#1513) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, wc3edit chat

We were talking about showing our parents how well we did on tests and stuff.

(23:43:46) Bartimaeus: I never gave my mother any assignments I had except math ones, o.o
(23:43:57) UndeadxAssassin: ...because she was the one that grades them?
(23:43:57) UndeadxAssassin: :o
(23:44:03) Bartimaeus:
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
(23:44:18) UndeadxAssassin: LOL
(23:44:20) Bartimaeus: rofl
(23:44:21) Bartimaeus: public*

11/26/2012 2:28 AM (#1512) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

(20:13:16) UndeadxAssassin: Same reason people look in the fridge two minutes after the last time they look.
(20:13:32) UndeadxAssassin: Maybe someone/something magically popped in during the time you weren't there.
(20:13:37) Bartimaeus: Who does that, Jen, o.o
(20:13:40) UndeadxAssassin: I do ;o
(20:13:49) UndeadxAssassin: I feel like something would magically appear
(20:13:54) UndeadxAssassin: if I don't look at it for 10 minutes
(20:13:54) Bartimaeus: I like how you threw "someone" in there.
(20:14:05) Bartimaeus: You found a random body in your fridge! Yay!
(20:15:26) UndeadxAssassin: If I was hungry enough, it wouldn't be there for long ;o