BASH your life!

11/16/2007 5:44 AM (#18) | Rating: -1 | Click here to give a one star rating!-1 | Click here to give a one star rating!-1 | Click here to give a three star rating!-1 | Click here to give a four star rating!-1 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Real Life

There are 3 kinds of people in this world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

01/22/2009 8:00 PM (#71) | Rating: 19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a one star rating!19 | Click here to give a three star rating!19 | Click here to give a four star rating!19 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web,

ALICE: What were we talking about again?
Human: about commiting suicide
ALICE: Oh yeah, we were talking about commiting suicide.
Human: do you like commiting suicide?
ALICE: No, I don't care for it.
Human: have you tried so far?
ALICE: Do you think I should try it?
Human: of course
ALICE: Ayuh.
Human: what is that supposed to mean?
ALICE:" Ayuh." means exactly what it says.
Human: so Ayuh I guess?
ALICE: Yeah that's right. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.

08/04/2013 3:53 AM (#1525) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(22:51:12) UndeadxAssassin: Practice makes merfect ;o
(22:51:14) UndeadxAssassin: uh
(22:51:17) UndeadxAssassin: perfect*
(22:51:35) UndeadxAssassin: You can see I don't give afvice often ;o
(22:51:40) UndeadxAssassin: ^ Point proven

11/13/2007 3:55 AM (#16) | Rating: -2 | Click here to give a one star rating!-2 | Click here to give a one star rating!-2 | Click here to give a three star rating!-2 | Click here to give a four star rating!-2 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on IRC, Chat

01:52:27 ‹JJ2197› heh... well anyways just for fun I learn how to encode things and decode them in bases (like hexadecimal,octal,binary,etc) it's some cool shit
13/11/2007 01:52:50 ‹JJ2197› It's quite fun... >.<
13/11/2007 01:53:16 ‹JJ2197› And quite simple
13/11/2007 01:53:29 ‹weirdone2› hmm binary must b a pain
13/11/2007 01:53:41 ‹weirdone2› so how about ascii to dec ?
13/11/2007 01:53:53 ‹JJ2197› I know how to decode and encode in any base (well not beyond like 32)
13/11/2007 01:54:21 ‹JJ2197› Eh I just decode all the stuff from base to decimal... >.<
13/11/2007 01:54:22 ‹weirdone2› ^^
13/11/2007 01:54:59 ‹JJ2197› Like you know FF and 1111 1111 =255
13/11/2007 01:55:15 ‹JJ2197› That's what Hex and Binary are to decimal
13/11/2007 01:56:38 ‹weirdone2› ya
13/11/2007 01:56:57 ‹weirdone2› though I dun really have a formual for it o.o
13/11/2007 01:58:53 ‹JJ2197› It's quite simply... take Hex for example... like FF well Hex is a 16 byte (0-9 and A-F) so 0=0 A=10 etc so basicaly you do 16xF (the 2nd one) which is 16x16 then add 16 (the other F)
13/11/2007 01:59:25 ‹JJ2197› So it's 16x16+16
13/11/2007 02:00:37 ‹JJ2197› erm 15x15+15 sorry >.<
13/11/2007 02:01:24 ‹JJ2197› Also ZZ (base-36) would be 35x35+35 notice the last char is just 1-base#
13/11/2007 02:02:27 ‹weirdone2› that dun look liek a formula >:O
13/11/2007 02:02:52 ‹JJ2197› Eh... it's not really a formual... just to get you started
13/11/2007 02:03:46 ‹weirdone2› I can already no whats what
13/11/2007 02:03:54 ‹JJ2197› Just relized it's 36x35+35
13/11/2007 02:03:55 ‹weirdone2› could prolly think of a formula also >:O
13/11/2007 02:05:34 ‹weirdone2› its somtine kuje 16a+b o.o
13/11/2007 02:05:39 ‹weirdone2› for hex
13/11/2007 02:05:53 ‹JJ2197› Kinda... I guess....
13/11/2007 02:06:20 ‹JJ2197› (base#)a+b
13/11/2007 02:06:50 ‹weirdone2› 16a o.o
13/11/2007 02:07:10 ‹JJ2197› Well Hex=base16
13/11/2007 02:07:20 ‹weirdone2› so if you had say 56hex it wuld be 16*5+6
13/11/2007 02:07:39 ‹JJ2197› yea
13/11/2007 02:08:08 ‹weirdone2› but a formual for binary...
13/11/2007 02:08:15 ‹JJ2197› 2a+b
13/11/2007 02:08:17 ‹weirdone2› just not that great lolz
13/11/2007 02:08:30 ‹weirdone2› since its not really dealing numbers but true or false's
13/11/2007 02:08:41 ‹JJ2197› It's the same thing
13/11/2007 02:08:50 ‹JJ2197› 0 and 1 are #'s
13/11/2007 02:09:13 ‹JJ2197› like 0=0 1=1 10=2 11=3 etc
13/11/2007 02:09:38 ‹JJ2197› It's the same formual >.<
13/11/2007 02:10:16 ‹JJ2197› 100=4 101=5 110=6 weee
13/11/2007 02:11:08 ‹JJ2197› Though when the number becomes bigger then 2 chars the formual changes a bit
13/11/2007 02:12:00 ‹JJ2197› like it becomes (4)c+(2)a+b... something like that
13/11/2007 02:12:56 ‹JJ2197› 4 = the value after 11... which is the hight it get's till it adds another char
13/11/2007 02:13:43 ‹JJ2197› For instance Hex would be like (255)c+(16)a+b
13/11/2007 02:14:30 ‹JJ2197› You still there?
13/11/2007 02:18:37 ‹JJ2197› Well (256)c+(16)a+b
13/11/2007 02:20:35 ‹JJ2197› Seems when you got to add 1 to what you get as a height till next char... like FF=255 so add 1 to that
13/11/2007 02:23:12 ‹weirdone2› thats not a formuala :S
13/11/2007 02:23:25 ‹JJ2197› It is if your smart >.<
13/11/2007 02:23:56 ‹weirdone2› a formula allows you to input a number into it and figure it out like if i wnted to no 97 in ibinary I would jsut put it in the formual and bam 30secs later id have me asnwr
13/11/2007 02:24:17 ‹JJ2197› Formula is like (height+1)a+(height+1)b+Height
13/11/2007 02:24:21 ‹JJ2197› +1
13/11/2007 02:24:55 ‹JJ2197› Erm minus the last +1
13/11/2007 02:24:57 ‹weirdone2› where is height coming from olz
13/11/2007 02:25:35 ‹JJ2197› You know like for hex IE F= the first hieght which is 15... then FF is the 2nd height which is 255 etc...
13/11/2007 02:25:56 ‹JJ2197› I don't know what word to use... :S
13/11/2007 02:26:43 ‹weirdone2›
13/11/2007 02:26:51 ‹JJ2197› Binary 1 = first height which is 1 then 11=2nd hieght this is 3... do you get it?
13/11/2007 02:27:08 ‹weirdone2› i no how to red binary o.o
13/11/2007 02:27:28 ‹weirdone2› just dun feel like making up a formula for it
13/11/2007 02:27:35 ‹JJ2197› That's why binary goes 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 etx
13/11/2007 02:27:57 ‹JJ2197› I already did... >.<
13/11/2007 02:28:06 ‹JJ2197› It's just worded weird >.<
13/11/2007 02:28:07 ‹weirdone2› binary is like this though if i rember correctly 2^2 for every true
13/11/2007 02:28:42 ‹JJ2197› the 2 4 6 8 16 are the heights +1
13/11/2007 02:29:13 ‹JJ2197› Height = the max vale you can have till you have to add another char
13/11/2007 02:29:16 ‹weirdone2› first digit o.o
13/11/2007 02:29:42 ‹JJ2197› 2=1st 4=2nd 8=3rd etc
13/11/2007 02:30:19 ‹JJ2197› 16a+8b+4c+2d+e
13/11/2007 02:30:33 ‹JJ2197› That would be for Binary
13/11/2007 02:30:34 ‹weirdone2› when you move once w9th the didigit like 10 thats 2^1 when you move twice like 100 its 2^2 three 1000 2^3 and so fourht
13/11/2007 02:31:06 ‹JJ2197› I like my formula better >.<
13/11/2007 02:31:25 ‹weirdone2› mine is uncoplete neway o.o
13/11/2007 02:31:29 ‹JJ2197› Anyways it works for all bases >.<
13/11/2007 02:34:41 * -LiOneL- joins General chat
13/11/2007 02:34:42 ‹weirdone2› imagine if some1 used binary for ter encodeing in wc lolz
13/11/2007 02:34:58 ‹-LiOneL-› hi JJ sup weird
13/11/2007 02:35:05 ‹-LiOneL-› JJ i think i done it
13/11/2007 02:35:07 ‹JJ2197› That would be stupid... better to use base36
13/11/2007 02:35:14 ‹JJ2197› Cool... >.<
13/11/2007 02:35:19 ‹-LiOneL-› lol
13/11/2007 02:35:23 ‹-LiOneL-› take me so much time to learn
13/11/2007 02:35:31 ‹-LiOneL-› aero pack is much more easier
13/11/2007 02:36:53 ‹-LiOneL-› hey u guys usually play bnet rite?
13/11/2007 02:37:07 ‹JJ2197› Not much anymore really... =/
13/11/2007 02:37:35 ‹-LiOneL-› u guys use the original wc3 cd rite?
13/11/2007 02:37:57 ‹JJ2197› I use images...
13/11/2007 02:38:03 ‹JJ2197› But it's the same thing
13/11/2007 02:38:16 ‹weirdone2› who dun use imges o.o
13/11/2007 02:38:30 ‹-LiOneL-› i use the pirated disk
13/11/2007 02:38:31 ‹weirdone2› and most ppl use 72base jj
13/11/2007 02:38:38 ‹-LiOneL-› can i play bnet too?
13/11/2007 02:38:40 ‹JJ2197› Wierd people (yea Wierd)
13/11/2007 02:38:43 ‹weirdone2› but stilll binary would b funny
13/11/2007 02:38:57 ‹weirdone2› nyuuu!
13/11/2007 02:39:05 ‹-LiOneL-› ?
13/11/2007 02:39:08 ‹JJ2197› Seems like base62 should be good enough
13/11/2007 02:39:17 * weirdone2 looms over jj with clouded face
13/11/2007 02:39:23 ‹-LiOneL-› wat r u guys talking about?
13/11/2007 02:39:24 ‹JJ2197› Since it includes 0-9 A-Z a-z
13/11/2007 02:39:28 ‹weirdone2› for ter save systems
13/11/2007 02:39:37 ‹-LiOneL-›
13/11/2007 02:39:41 ‹-LiOneL-› JJ plz check my map
13/11/2007 02:39:48 ‹JJ2197› Hexadecimal Binary ternary octal etc
13/11/2007 02:39:55 ‹weirdone2› acutally yea i think they use 62
13/11/2007 02:39:57 ‹JJ2197› I'll need the other link
13/11/2007 02:40:06 ‹weirdone2› but 72 would b better ;P
13/11/2007 02:40:07 ‹-LiOneL-› nt dis?
13/11/2007 02:40:34 ‹JJ2197› Well I guess if you want to include like = and shit like that
13/11/2007 02:40:44 ‹-LiOneL-›
13/11/2007 02:41:06 ‹weirdone2› add ~!@#$%^&*()+=-_ and you could shrinkg a 50 code system even more >:O

06/30/2008 1:30 AM (#59) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, wc3edit

23:15:47 ‹Lt.SilentKnight› can you read the topic i just posted for the Undead Assault 1.5b beta 7
23:15:55 ‹Lt.SilentKnight› See if its ok or something wrong?
23:15:55 ‹Ozzapoo› No

11/06/2008 7:34 AM (#66) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, Pidgin

(read the quote below this one to understand this one)

(10:00:01 PM) Bartimaeus: Glad I didn't read that as sneaking down like a green burrito...
(10:00:15 PM) Skine909: I made it
(10:00:24 PM) Bartimaeus: lol, cool.
(10:00:28 PM) Skine909: We were out of green burritos
(10:00:35 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:02:56 PM) Skine909: So apparently Life of Pi is about
(10:03:13 PM) Skine909: some little Indian boy and his tiger best friend
(10:03:20 PM) Bartimaeus: Doesn't sound too bad.
(10:03:30 PM) Skine909: stuck on a lifeboat for 270 days...
(10:03:39 PM) Bartimaeus: I've got to read the Hobbit for school.
(10:03:43 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:03:49 PM) Bartimaeus: And then a huge book of random stories.
(10:03:53 PM) Bartimaeus: And then Treasure Island.
(10:03:58 PM) Bartimaeus: And then some moar books..
(10:04:03 PM) Bartimaeus: Life sucks.
(10:04:14 PM) Skine909: hmm
(10:04:22 PM) Bartimaeus: I'd open up the box my teacher gave me, but it's such a nightmare to close.
(10:04:43 PM) Bartimaeus: Last time I tried closing it, I nearly fell out of my chair, several times.
(10:04:55 PM) Skine909: Box?
(10:04:57 PM) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(10:04:59 PM) Bartimaeus: With all the books.
(10:05:06 PM) Bartimaeus: Worst idea, ever.
(10:05:12 PM) Skine909: Is your teacher named Pandora by any chance?
(10:05:16 PM) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(10:05:16 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:06:29 PM) Bartimaeus: I've got to read all these books by the end of the school year.
(10:06:44 PM) Bartimaeus: I'll list them...try and get this piece of garbage open...
(10:06:50 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:06:59 PM) Skine909: don't hurt yourself
(10:07:08 PM) Bartimaeus: Okay, opening it was the easy part.
(10:08:28 PM) Bartimaeus: Julius Caesar, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Treasure Island, City, word processing, (spelled without any capitals, -.-!), the Hobbit, and like a six hundred page book with a ton of random stories.
(10:08:58 PM) Bartimaeus: And for every little tiny story, there's a little test to go along with it. And for every one of the regular books, there's like 50 to go with it.
(10:09:08 PM) Skine909: Julius Caesar was good
(10:09:20 PM) Bartimaeus: Haven't started it, yet.
(10:09:23 PM) Skine909: Good luck on Illiad and Oddysey
(10:09:25 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:09:33 PM) Skine909: hated Oddysey
(10:09:37 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:09:49 PM) Skine909: never read Illiad but I can imagine
(10:10:03 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:10:12 PM) Bartimaeus: The title sounds weird, to begin with.
(10:10:27 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:10:45 PM) Bartimaeus: Think I'll read it last, XD.
(10:11:00 PM) Skine909: wtf is City?
(10:11:31 PM) Bartimaeus: No idea.
(10:11:32 PM) Bartimaeus: It's huge.
(10:11:33 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:12:31 PM) Skine909: Get a ruler
(10:12:34 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:12:38 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:12:45 PM) Bartimaeus: I'm not allowed to have one.
(10:12:48 PM) Bartimaeus: I always break them.
(10:12:49 PM) Bartimaeus: -.-
(10:12:52 PM) Skine909: ,,,
(10:12:55 PM) Skine909: ...*
(10:13:02 PM) Bartimaeus: Bolded dots?
(10:13:02 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:13:21 PM) Skine909: You do realize they have special rulers for right angles right?
(10:13:47 PM) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(10:14:00 PM) Skine909: Good cause I thinkI made that up
(10:14:03 PM) Bartimaeus: Still, don't really care. Don't use a ruler a whole lot.
(10:14:05 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:14:06 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:14:30 PM) Skine909: Of course you don't use em if you're parents won't let you have one lol
(10:14:39 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:14:40 PM) Skine909: How do you break them? O.o.O
(10:14:40 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:15:08 PM) Bartimaeus: I'm always fidgeting with them, and they always seem to just snap in half...
(10:15:21 PM) Skine909: Get better rulers then lol
(10:15:24 PM) Bartimaeus: Need to get a metal one
(10:15:25 PM) Bartimaeus: .
(10:15:33 PM) Bartimaeus: Plastic/Wood ones break.
(10:15:34 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:15:55 PM) Skine909: I don't think I've ever broken a ruler lol
(10:16:05 PM) Bartimaeus: Lucky you.
(10:16:06 PM) Skine909: and I use em a lot in art lol
(10:16:32 PM) Bartimaeus: -.-
(10:16:40 PM) Bartimaeus: Um, I hate art sooo much.
(10:16:45 PM) Bartimaeus: Suck so badly.
(10:16:55 PM) Skine909: Class?
(10:17:00 PM) Bartimaeus: No, just art.
(10:17:02 PM) Bartimaeus: In itself.
(10:17:06 PM) Bartimaeus: Can't create anything.
(10:17:12 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:17:34 PM) Skine909: I guess this would be a bad time to mention I want to go to an art college XD
(10:17:52 PM) Bartimaeus: Lucky you.
(10:17:56 PM) Bartimaeus: You're good at art, right?
(10:18:05 PM) Skine909: One would hope so
(10:18:13 PM) Skine909: otherwise I'm seriously misguided lol
(10:18:29 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:18:29 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:19:16 PM) Skine909: I can just imagine an intervention with my whole family and all my friends and teachers and I just walk into my house and my Mom's just like, "Kevin... You suck at art."
(10:19:24 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:19:53 PM) Bartimaeus: No, my mom does that regularly, XD
(10:23:06 PM) Skine909: I suck at remember I have an essay to do
(10:23:14 PM) Bartimaeus: Ahahaha.
(10:23:22 PM) Skine909: I've been surfing around RWP and I just went, "Oh yeah..."
(10:23:28 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:23:33 PM) Bartimaeus: You are SO not going to finish it.
(10:23:34 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:25:05 PM) Skine909: I have to finish before my laptop battery dies lol
(10:25:08 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:27:53 PM) Skine909: This is getting done
(10:27:56 PM) Skine909: full concentration
(10:28:01 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:28:01 PM) Skine909: so I must log off
(10:28:02 PM) Bartimaeus: GL.
(10:28:02 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:04 PM) Bartimaeus: Night.
(10:28:04 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:08 PM) Skine909: GL?
(10:28:12 PM) Skine909: oh
(10:28:14 PM) Skine909: TY
(10:28:22 PM) Bartimaeus: Good luck.
(10:28:23 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:28:24 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:25 PM) Bartimaeus: Night.

03/17/2013 2:28 PM (#1519) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(09:18:03) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:18:13) 13linkz: lol
(09:18:17) 13linkz: You won't trick me
(09:18:26) 13linkz: I mean you can't
(09:18:29) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:18:40) Bartimaeus: how would I be tricking you exactly
(09:18:54) 13linkz: By making me dumb enough
(09:19:00) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:19:02) 13linkz: to type that
(09:19:04) Bartimaeus: I can make people dumb?
(09:19:25) Bartimaeus: Type /quit? But I can do it...
(09:19:33) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:19:35) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:19:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(09:19:43) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:19:49) 13linkz: damn you bart
(09:19:49) Bartimaeus: Jen would've enjoyed that.
(09:19:50) Bartimaeus: ;o
(09:19:54) Bartimaeus: /quit
(09:19:56) Bartimaeus: try a space, o.o
(09:20:02) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:20:07) Bartimaeus: :D
(09:20:13) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:20:15) 13linkz: -.-
(09:20:17) Bartimaeus: You did it wrong, o.o
(09:20:29) 13linkz: LOL!
(09:20:32) Bartimaeus: Do it right and you'll be able to do it, -.-
(09:20:34) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:20:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(09:20:41) ChatBot: 13linkz logs into the Chat.
(09:20:55) 13linkz: I just type " /quit /quit"
(09:21:01) Bartimaeus: o.o
(09:21:04) Bartimaeus: Put someone's name after it.
(09:21:07) Bartimaeus: It kicks them instead.
(09:21:11) 13linkz: NO!
(09:21:15) Bartimaeus: i.e. /quit Bartimaeus
(09:21:18) 13linkz: I knew it would kick me
(09:21:33) Bartimaeus: Well, okay then.
(09:21:40) Bartimaeus: Enjoy not getting back at me. :o
(09:21:41) ChatBot: 13linkz logs out of the Chat.
(09:21:43) Bartimaeus: rofl

10/23/2010 5:43 PM (#1467) | Rating: 17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a one star rating!17 | Click here to give a three star rating!17 | Click here to give a four star rating!17 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web

(2010.10.23 - 00:31:19) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) lets have some fun
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:19) GeorgeMots: (whispers) lets have some fun
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:22) ChatBot: (292722) logs into the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:29) (292722): Hello
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:32) diabloste: I were prepared this time
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:40) diabloste: I turned down the volume
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:49) (292722): Can anybody help me?
(2010.10.23 - 00:31:59) diabloste: With what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:00) ChatBot: User (292722) - IP address:
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:10) (292722): I need hack pls
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:11) UndeadxAssassin: Identify yourself!
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:19) diabloste: Oh
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:26) diabloste: "I need hack pls"
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:27) (292722): pls i need hacks
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:38) diabloste: Wasn't that the same as in your inbox George?
(2010.10.23 - 00:32:50) (292722): Can you help me?
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:04) diabloste: Well you cant just come here say "I need hacks pls"
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:09) (292722): I want to know how to cheat?
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:12) UndeadxAssassin: Give me your IP address and I'll hack you.
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:13) diabloste: Hacks is an incredible large word
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:17) diabloste: XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:36) diabloste: Follow this link and accept following request and I'll hack you
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:37) UndeadxAssassin: Nevermind, I already know it
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:37) (292722): But i want to learn to hack
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:43) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) xD
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:43) GeorgeMots: (whispers) xD
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:45) diabloste: lmao undead
(2010.10.23 - 00:33:48) diabloste: you bastard
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:02) (292722): Do you know how to cheat maps?
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:09) diabloste: Yesh
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:15) UndeadxAssassin: omfg hacks.
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:16) (292722): Will you teach me?
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:18) ChatBot: User GeorgeMots - IP address:
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:25) diabloste: Okay so theres like
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:25) diabloste: idk
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:27) UndeadxAssassin: My mind was blown.
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:28) diabloste: 3 guides out there
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:32) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) damnit, I hate you XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:32) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) damnit, I hate you XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:35) diabloste: and you want me
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:36) (292722): I cant read them
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:40) (292722):
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:43) (292722): pls pls
(2010.10.23 - 00:34:43) diabloste: LUL WUT
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:01) diabloste: You cant read them?
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:09) diabloste: Try google translate xP
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:11) UndeadxAssassin: Is that Greek
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:12) (292722): i cant understand english well
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:22) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) shoosh!
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:22) GeorgeMots: (whispers) shoosh!
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:23) diabloste: Your greek undead?
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:30) UndeadxAssassin: I'm everything.
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:41) diabloste: Your not danish <_<
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:43) (292722): undeadassasin can you help cheat this map?
(2010.10.23 - 00:35:45) (292722):
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:01) UndeadxAssassin: Sure
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:03) UndeadxAssassin: Open notepad
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:09) (292722): ok wait
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:09) UndeadxAssassin: Type @echo off
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:22) (292722): i am wait
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:24) UndeadxAssassin: del c://program files/system 32
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:25) diabloste: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) what are you gonna make him do? XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:25) diabloste: (whispers) what are you gonna make him do? XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:30) UndeadxAssassin: Save as cheats.bat
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:37) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Dont' do it XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:37) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Dont' do it XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:42) (292722): then what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:47) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) rofl i know
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:47) GeorgeMots: (whispers) rofl i know
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:48) diabloste: double click it
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:48) UndeadxAssassin: Open the file
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:53) (292722): okay
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:54) (292722): thx
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:55) (292722):
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:55) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Not log off!
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:55) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Not log off!
(2010.10.23 - 00:36:59) diabloste: np
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:02) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Now*
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:02) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Now*
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:07) (292722): need to copy paste
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:12) diabloste: nooo noo
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:12) ChatBot: (292722) logs out of the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:16) diabloste: just open the file
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:28) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Timeout would have been bette ro;
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:28) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Timeout would have been bette ro;
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:33) diabloste: and that was the last we saw of him
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:33) UndeadxAssassin: And we never heard from him again ;o
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:39) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) lol?
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:39) GeorgeMots: (whispers) lol?
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:40) diabloste: XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:49) diabloste: oh god
(2010.10.23 - 00:37:51) diabloste: I'm bleeding again
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:00) UndeadxAssassin: Time of month?
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:03) UndeadxAssassin: I know how you feel
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:05) diabloste: yeh
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:12) diabloste: It's so fucking annoying
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:15) diabloste: and men just dont do shit to help
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:20) diabloste: they dont know how we feel right?
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:33) ChatBot: ((292722)) logs into the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:43) diabloste: That was fast formatted lmao
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:43) ChatBot: ((292722)) logs out of the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:52) UndeadxAssassin: Go your your Gyno o.o
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:55) ChatBot: (292722) logs into the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:38:56) UndeadxAssassin: He'll help ;D
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:02) (292722): Fuck you
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:11) diabloste: Lol what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:13) UndeadxAssassin: I like pie.
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:14) diabloste: We didn't do nothing
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:21) (292722): you killed my pc
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:28) diabloste: no?
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:36) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) I wonder if he knows I said program files instead of WINDOWS/system 32 o.o
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:36) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) I wonder if he knows I said program files instead of WINDOWS/system 32 o.o
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:39) (292722): yeah
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:44) diabloste: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) You should copy paste this into the thing XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:44) diabloste: (whispers) You should copy paste this into the thing XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:39:52) diabloste: no we didn't
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:00) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) i dont think he even knew that there was such command
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:00) GeorgeMots: (whispers) i dont think he even knew that there was such command
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:04) (292722): yes you did
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:04) (292722): it
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:12) (292722): fuck you
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:27) diabloste: we didn't do anything!
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:30) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) I should put this on bash with the whispers and matching IP
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:30) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) I should put this on bash with the whispers and matching IP
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:36) diabloste: Dont blame us for stuff we didn't do!
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:37) (292722): who can help me
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:42) (292722): admin?
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:46) GeorgeMots: Yes?
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:54) (292722): fuck you
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:57) GeorgeMots: -_-
(2010.10.23 - 00:40:59) diabloste: XD
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:00) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Tell him to run a magnet to his comp!
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:00) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Tell him to run a magnet to his comp!
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:12) ChatBot: Private channel opened to UndeadxAssassin.
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:14) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:14) GeorgeMots: (whispers) what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:24) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) Remake the triforce!
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:24) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) Remake the triforce!
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:28) (292722): diabloste killed my pc
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:40) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) What did he do?
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:40) GeorgeMots: (whispers) What did he do?
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:43) ChatBot: Private channel to UndeadxAssassin closed.
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:47) GeorgeMots: What did he do?
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:49) diabloste: No I didnt
(2010.10.23 - 00:41:55) (292722): he posted virus
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:03) GeorgeMots: Jen is that true?
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:16) diabloste: LOL
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:18) (292722): yes it is
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:18) diabloste: I posted virus?
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:33) ChatBot: Private channel opened to UndeadxAssassin.
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:40) ChatBot: Private channel to UndeadxAssassin closed.
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:46) GeorgeMots: i guess Jen is away
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:52) UndeadxAssassin: (17:36:09) diabloste: Type @echo off
(17:36:24) diabloste: del c://program files/system 32
(17:36:30) diabloste: Save as cheats.bat
(2010.10.23 - 00:42:57) GeorgeMots: diabloste what did you post?
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:01) diabloste: LOL WHAT
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:01) GeorgeMots:
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:06) UndeadxAssassin:
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:06) (292722): yes
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:08) diabloste: NO I DIDNT
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:23) diabloste: (23:36:01) UndeadxAssassin: Sure
(23:36:03) UndeadxAssassin: Open notepad
(23:36:09) (292722): ok wait
(23:36:09) UndeadxAssassin: Type @echo off
(23:36:22) (292722): i am wait
(23:36:24) UndeadxAssassin: del c://program files/system 32
(23:36:25) diabloste: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) what are you gonna make him do? XD
(23:36:30) UndeadxAssassin: Save as cheats.bat
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:27) GeorgeMots: well you shouldn't
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:40) GeorgeMots: shame on you, you even edited those
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:44) GeorgeMots: banhammer
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:48) diabloste: NO
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:49) (292722): ban
(2010.10.23 - 00:43:51) diabloste: I DIDN'T DO NOTHING
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:00) UndeadxAssassin: Double negatives o.o
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:03) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) isnt it funny?
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:03) GeorgeMots: (whispers) isnt it funny?
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:11) UndeadxAssassin: You did not do nothing which means you did something ;o
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:18) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers to GeorgeMots) We're mean people....
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:18) UndeadxAssassin: (whispers) We're mean people....
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:19) GeorgeMots: guest, did you type it?
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:28) (292722): yes its virus
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:33) GeorgeMots: I know it is
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:39) diabloste: LOL WHAT
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:43) diabloste: You're all pranking me
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:56) diabloste: At least
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:57) GeorgeMots: Why would you do that?
(2010.10.23 - 00:44:58) diabloste: I still have my
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:01) diabloste: Never gonna give you up
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:04) diabloste: Never gonna let you down
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:04) GeorgeMots: Now i have to ban you
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:07) diabloste: Never gonna run around
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:10) diabloste: and desert you
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:17) GeorgeMots: plus you are spamming
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:23) diabloste: I AM NOT
(2010.10.23 - 00:45:23) (292722): pls hack this for me
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:05) ChatBot: (292722) logs out of the Chat.
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:19) diabloste: George I really didn't do anything
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:24) diabloste: I swear
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:37) diabloste: On my cock, my balls and my right arm.
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:51) GeorgeMots: watch your mouth
(2010.10.23 - 00:46:57) diabloste:
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:06) GeorgeMots: i must ban you its against the rules
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:21) diabloste: I REALLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:25) GeorgeMots: its not like you posted a virus,you even posted porn!
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:33) diabloste: posted porn?
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:38) diabloste: when the hell did I post porn
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:42) GeorgeMots: (00:46:37) diabloste: On my cock, my balls and my right arm.
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:53) diabloste: THATS NOT PORN
(2010.10.23 - 00:47:58) GeorgeMots: yes it
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:03) GeorgeMots: have you ever read the rules?
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:07) UndeadxAssassin: It's 1 o'clock for George o.o
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:11) diabloste: what rules?
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:20) GeorgeMots: You havent read the rules?
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:30) GeorgeMots: thats a seven days ban
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:39) diabloste: I DID READ THE RULES
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:50) diabloste: I especially liked rules 3
(2010.10.23 - 00:48:53) GeorgeMots: You just said you didnt?
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:09) diabloste: Didn't what?
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:12) diabloste: I never did not nothing
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:21) GeorgeMots: Sorry
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:28) GeorgeMots: even thought you are new
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:40) diabloste: You will bake a cake for me
(2010.10.23 - 00:49:45) diabloste: and dance around the christmas tree?
(2010.10.23 - 00:50:54) GeorgeMots: no
(2010.10.23 - 00:51:07) GeorgeMots: (whispers to UndeadxAssassin) should i tell him the truth?
(2010.10.23 - 00:51:07) GeorgeMots: (whispers) should i tell him the truth?
(2010.10.23 - 00:51:16) diabloste: Oh god I have to do something
(2010.10.23 - 00:51:23) diabloste: My uncle is... Pregnant
(2010.10.23 - 00:51:47) ChatBot: diabloste logs out of the Chat.

01/02/2011 6:50 PM (#1472) | Rating: 13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a one star rating!13 | Click here to give a three star rating!13 | Click here to give a four star rating!13 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, wc3edit chat

(16:31:28) Hillo: I'm board
(16:32:08) UndeadxAssassin: You wood be o.o.

11/29/2009 1:15 AM (#1419) | Rating: 18 | Click here to give a one star rating!18 | Click here to give a one star rating!18 | Click here to give a three star rating!18 | Click here to give a four star rating!18 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on ICQ