06/26/2011 9:36 PM (#1491) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on some other network, wc3edit chat
(00:01:27) UndeadxAssassin: /quit Nuuby
(00:01:2 ChatBot: Nuuby has been logged out (Kicked).
(00:01:31) ChatBot: Ban of user Nuuby revoked.
(00:01:33) magicianx126: ???
(00:01:36) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(00:01:41) UndeadxAssassin: Anyone can do it!
(00:01:50) syle222: even me?
(00:01:55) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, try it
(00:01:56) ChatBot: syle222 logs out of the Chat.
(00:01:57) Hobbeskiller: yea
(00:02:00) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(00:02:05) ChatBot: magicianx126 logs out of the Chat.
(00:02:06) UndeadxAssassin: I am such a troll ;_;
(00:02:10) UndeadxAssassin: TWO
(00:02:11) UndeadxAssassin: !
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