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11/06/2008 7:34 AM (#66) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, Pidgin

(read the quote below this one to understand this one)

(10:00:01 PM) Bartimaeus: Glad I didn't read that as sneaking down like a green burrito...
(10:00:15 PM) Skine909: I made it
(10:00:24 PM) Bartimaeus: lol, cool.
(10:00:28 PM) Skine909: We were out of green burritos
(10:00:35 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:02:56 PM) Skine909: So apparently Life of Pi is about
(10:03:13 PM) Skine909: some little Indian boy and his tiger best friend
(10:03:20 PM) Bartimaeus: Doesn't sound too bad.
(10:03:30 PM) Skine909: stuck on a lifeboat for 270 days...
(10:03:39 PM) Bartimaeus: I've got to read the Hobbit for school.
(10:03:43 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:03:49 PM) Bartimaeus: And then a huge book of random stories.
(10:03:53 PM) Bartimaeus: And then Treasure Island.
(10:03:58 PM) Bartimaeus: And then some moar books..
(10:04:03 PM) Bartimaeus: Life sucks.
(10:04:14 PM) Skine909: hmm
(10:04:22 PM) Bartimaeus: I'd open up the box my teacher gave me, but it's such a nightmare to close.
(10:04:43 PM) Bartimaeus: Last time I tried closing it, I nearly fell out of my chair, several times.
(10:04:55 PM) Skine909: Box?
(10:04:57 PM) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(10:04:59 PM) Bartimaeus: With all the books.
(10:05:06 PM) Bartimaeus: Worst idea, ever.
(10:05:12 PM) Skine909: Is your teacher named Pandora by any chance?
(10:05:16 PM) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(10:05:16 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:06:29 PM) Bartimaeus: I've got to read all these books by the end of the school year.
(10:06:44 PM) Bartimaeus: I'll list them...try and get this piece of garbage open...
(10:06:50 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:06:59 PM) Skine909: don't hurt yourself
(10:07:08 PM) Bartimaeus: Okay, opening it was the easy part.
(10:08:28 PM) Bartimaeus: Julius Caesar, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Treasure Island, City, word processing, (spelled without any capitals, -.-!), the Hobbit, and like a six hundred page book with a ton of random stories.
(10:08:58 PM) Bartimaeus: And for every little tiny story, there's a little test to go along with it. And for every one of the regular books, there's like 50 to go with it.
(10:09:08 PM) Skine909: Julius Caesar was good
(10:09:20 PM) Bartimaeus: Haven't started it, yet.
(10:09:23 PM) Skine909: Good luck on Illiad and Oddysey
(10:09:25 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:09:33 PM) Skine909: hated Oddysey
(10:09:37 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:09:49 PM) Skine909: never read Illiad but I can imagine
(10:10:03 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:10:12 PM) Bartimaeus: The title sounds weird, to begin with.
(10:10:27 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:10:45 PM) Bartimaeus: Think I'll read it last, XD.
(10:11:00 PM) Skine909: wtf is City?
(10:11:31 PM) Bartimaeus: No idea.
(10:11:32 PM) Bartimaeus: It's huge.
(10:11:33 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:12:31 PM) Skine909: Get a ruler
(10:12:34 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:12:38 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:12:45 PM) Bartimaeus: I'm not allowed to have one.
(10:12:48 PM) Bartimaeus: I always break them.
(10:12:49 PM) Bartimaeus: -.-
(10:12:52 PM) Skine909: ,,,
(10:12:55 PM) Skine909: ...*
(10:13:02 PM) Bartimaeus: Bolded dots?
(10:13:02 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:13:21 PM) Skine909: You do realize they have special rulers for right angles right?
(10:13:47 PM) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(10:14:00 PM) Skine909: Good cause I thinkI made that up
(10:14:03 PM) Bartimaeus: Still, don't really care. Don't use a ruler a whole lot.
(10:14:05 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:14:06 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:14:30 PM) Skine909: Of course you don't use em if you're parents won't let you have one lol
(10:14:39 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:14:40 PM) Skine909: How do you break them? O.o.O
(10:14:40 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:15:08 PM) Bartimaeus: I'm always fidgeting with them, and they always seem to just snap in half...
(10:15:21 PM) Skine909: Get better rulers then lol
(10:15:24 PM) Bartimaeus: Need to get a metal one
(10:15:25 PM) Bartimaeus: .
(10:15:33 PM) Bartimaeus: Plastic/Wood ones break.
(10:15:34 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:15:55 PM) Skine909: I don't think I've ever broken a ruler lol
(10:16:05 PM) Bartimaeus: Lucky you.
(10:16:06 PM) Skine909: and I use em a lot in art lol
(10:16:32 PM) Bartimaeus: -.-
(10:16:40 PM) Bartimaeus: Um, I hate art sooo much.
(10:16:45 PM) Bartimaeus: Suck so badly.
(10:16:55 PM) Skine909: Class?
(10:17:00 PM) Bartimaeus: No, just art.
(10:17:02 PM) Bartimaeus: In itself.
(10:17:06 PM) Bartimaeus: Can't create anything.
(10:17:12 PM) Skine909: lol
(10:17:34 PM) Skine909: I guess this would be a bad time to mention I want to go to an art college XD
(10:17:52 PM) Bartimaeus: Lucky you.
(10:17:56 PM) Bartimaeus: You're good at art, right?
(10:18:05 PM) Skine909: One would hope so
(10:18:13 PM) Skine909: otherwise I'm seriously misguided lol
(10:18:29 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:18:29 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:19:16 PM) Skine909: I can just imagine an intervention with my whole family and all my friends and teachers and I just walk into my house and my Mom's just like, "Kevin... You suck at art."
(10:19:24 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:19:53 PM) Bartimaeus: No, my mom does that regularly, XD
(10:23:06 PM) Skine909: I suck at remember I have an essay to do
(10:23:14 PM) Bartimaeus: Ahahaha.
(10:23:22 PM) Skine909: I've been surfing around RWP and I just went, "Oh yeah..."
(10:23:28 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:23:33 PM) Bartimaeus: You are SO not going to finish it.
(10:23:34 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:25:05 PM) Skine909: I have to finish before my laptop battery dies lol
(10:25:08 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:27:53 PM) Skine909: This is getting done
(10:27:56 PM) Skine909: full concentration
(10:28:01 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:28:01 PM) Skine909: so I must log off
(10:28:02 PM) Bartimaeus: GL.
(10:28:02 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:04 PM) Bartimaeus: Night.
(10:28:04 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:08 PM) Skine909: GL?
(10:28:12 PM) Skine909: oh
(10:28:14 PM) Skine909: TY
(10:28:22 PM) Bartimaeus: Good luck.
(10:28:23 PM) Bartimaeus: lol
(10:28:24 PM) Bartimaeus: XD
(10:28:25 PM) Bartimaeus: Night.


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