11/13/2007 3:55 AM (#16) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on IRC, Chat
01:52:27 ‹JJ2197› heh... well anyways just for fun I learn how to encode things and decode them in bases (like hexadecimal,octal,binary,etc) it's some cool shit
13/11/2007 01:52:50 ‹JJ2197› It's quite fun... >.<
13/11/2007 01:53:16 ‹JJ2197› And quite simple
13/11/2007 01:53:29 ‹weirdone2› hmm binary must b a pain
13/11/2007 01:53:41 ‹weirdone2› so how about ascii to dec ?
13/11/2007 01:53:53 ‹JJ2197› I know how to decode and encode in any base (well not beyond like 32)
13/11/2007 01:54:21 ‹JJ2197› Eh I just decode all the stuff from base to decimal... >.<
13/11/2007 01:54:22 ‹weirdone2› ^^
13/11/2007 01:54:59 ‹JJ2197› Like you know FF and 1111 1111 =255
13/11/2007 01:55:15 ‹JJ2197› That's what Hex and Binary are to decimal
13/11/2007 01:56:38 ‹weirdone2› ya
13/11/2007 01:56:57 ‹weirdone2› though I dun really have a formual for it o.o
13/11/2007 01:58:53 ‹JJ2197› It's quite simply... take Hex for example... like FF well Hex is a 16 byte (0-9 and A-F) so 0=0 A=10 etc so basicaly you do 16xF (the 2nd one) which is 16x16 then add 16 (the other F)
13/11/2007 01:59:25 ‹JJ2197› So it's 16x16+16
13/11/2007 02:00:37 ‹JJ2197› erm 15x15+15 sorry >.<
13/11/2007 02:01:24 ‹JJ2197› Also ZZ (base-36) would be 35x35+35 notice the last char is just 1-base#
13/11/2007 02:02:27 ‹weirdone2› that dun look liek a formula >:O
13/11/2007 02:02:52 ‹JJ2197› Eh... it's not really a formual... just to get you started
13/11/2007 02:03:46 ‹weirdone2› I can already no whats what
13/11/2007 02:03:54 ‹JJ2197› Just relized it's 36x35+35
13/11/2007 02:03:55 ‹weirdone2› could prolly think of a formula also >:O
13/11/2007 02:05:34 ‹weirdone2› its somtine kuje 16a+b o.o
13/11/2007 02:05:39 ‹weirdone2› for hex
13/11/2007 02:05:53 ‹JJ2197› Kinda... I guess....
13/11/2007 02:06:20 ‹JJ2197› (base#)a+b
13/11/2007 02:06:50 ‹weirdone2› 16a o.o
13/11/2007 02:07:10 ‹JJ2197› Well Hex=base16
13/11/2007 02:07:20 ‹weirdone2› so if you had say 56hex it wuld be 16*5+6
13/11/2007 02:07:39 ‹JJ2197› yea
13/11/2007 02:08:08 ‹weirdone2› but a formual for binary...
13/11/2007 02:08:15 ‹JJ2197› 2a+b
13/11/2007 02:08:17 ‹weirdone2› just not that great lolz
13/11/2007 02:08:30 ‹weirdone2› since its not really dealing numbers but true or false's
13/11/2007 02:08:41 ‹JJ2197› It's the same thing
13/11/2007 02:08:50 ‹JJ2197› 0 and 1 are #'s
13/11/2007 02:09:13 ‹JJ2197› like 0=0 1=1 10=2 11=3 etc
13/11/2007 02:09:38 ‹JJ2197› It's the same formual >.<
13/11/2007 02:10:16 ‹JJ2197› 100=4 101=5 110=6 weee
13/11/2007 02:11:08 ‹JJ2197› Though when the number becomes bigger then 2 chars the formual changes a bit
13/11/2007 02:12:00 ‹JJ2197› like it becomes (4)c+(2)a+b... something like that
13/11/2007 02:12:56 ‹JJ2197› 4 = the value after 11... which is the hight it get's till it adds another char
13/11/2007 02:13:43 ‹JJ2197› For instance Hex would be like (255)c+(16)a+b
13/11/2007 02:14:30 ‹JJ2197› You still there?
13/11/2007 02:18:37 ‹JJ2197› Well (256)c+(16)a+b
13/11/2007 02:20:35 ‹JJ2197› Seems when you got to add 1 to what you get as a height till next char... like FF=255 so add 1 to that
13/11/2007 02:23:12 ‹weirdone2› thats not a formuala :S
13/11/2007 02:23:25 ‹JJ2197› It is if your smart >.<
13/11/2007 02:23:56 ‹weirdone2› a formula allows you to input a number into it and figure it out like if i wnted to no 97 in ibinary I would jsut put it in the formual and bam 30secs later id have me asnwr
13/11/2007 02:24:17 ‹JJ2197› Formula is like (height+1)a+(height+1)b+Height
13/11/2007 02:24:21 ‹JJ2197› +1
13/11/2007 02:24:55 ‹JJ2197› Erm minus the last +1
13/11/2007 02:24:57 ‹weirdone2› where is height coming from olz
13/11/2007 02:25:35 ‹JJ2197› You know like for hex IE F= the first hieght which is 15... then FF is the 2nd height which is 255 etc...
13/11/2007 02:25:56 ‹JJ2197› I don't know what word to use... :S
13/11/2007 02:26:43 ‹weirdone2›
13/11/2007 02:26:51 ‹JJ2197› Binary 1 = first height which is 1 then 11=2nd hieght this is 3... do you get it?
13/11/2007 02:27:08 ‹weirdone2› i no how to red binary o.o
13/11/2007 02:27:28 ‹weirdone2› just dun feel like making up a formula for it
13/11/2007 02:27:35 ‹JJ2197› That's why binary goes 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 etx
13/11/2007 02:27:57 ‹JJ2197› I already did... >.<
13/11/2007 02:28:06 ‹JJ2197› It's just worded weird >.<
13/11/2007 02:28:07 ‹weirdone2› binary is like this though if i rember correctly 2^2 for every true
13/11/2007 02:28:42 ‹JJ2197› the 2 4 6 8 16 are the heights +1
13/11/2007 02:29:13 ‹JJ2197› Height = the max vale you can have till you have to add another char
13/11/2007 02:29:16 ‹weirdone2› first digit o.o
13/11/2007 02:29:42 ‹JJ2197› 2=1st 4=2nd 8=3rd etc
13/11/2007 02:30:19 ‹JJ2197› 16a+8b+4c+2d+e
13/11/2007 02:30:33 ‹JJ2197› That would be for Binary
13/11/2007 02:30:34 ‹weirdone2› when you move once w9th the didigit like 10 thats 2^1 when you move twice like 100 its 2^2 three 1000 2^3 and so fourht
13/11/2007 02:31:06 ‹JJ2197› I like my formula better >.<
13/11/2007 02:31:25 ‹weirdone2› mine is uncoplete neway o.o
13/11/2007 02:31:29 ‹JJ2197› Anyways it works for all bases >.<
13/11/2007 02:34:41 * -LiOneL- joins General chat
13/11/2007 02:34:42 ‹weirdone2› imagine if some1 used binary for ter encodeing in wc lolz
13/11/2007 02:34:58 ‹-LiOneL-› hi JJ sup weird
13/11/2007 02:35:05 ‹-LiOneL-› JJ i think i done it
13/11/2007 02:35:07 ‹JJ2197› That would be stupid... better to use base36
13/11/2007 02:35:14 ‹JJ2197› Cool... >.<
13/11/2007 02:35:19 ‹-LiOneL-› lol
13/11/2007 02:35:23 ‹-LiOneL-› take me so much time to learn
13/11/2007 02:35:31 ‹-LiOneL-› aero pack is much more easier
13/11/2007 02:36:53 ‹-LiOneL-› hey u guys usually play bnet rite?
13/11/2007 02:37:07 ‹JJ2197› Not much anymore really... =/
13/11/2007 02:37:35 ‹-LiOneL-› u guys use the original wc3 cd rite?
13/11/2007 02:37:57 ‹JJ2197› I use images...
13/11/2007 02:38:03 ‹JJ2197› But it's the same thing
13/11/2007 02:38:16 ‹weirdone2› who dun use imges o.o
13/11/2007 02:38:30 ‹-LiOneL-› i use the pirated disk
13/11/2007 02:38:31 ‹weirdone2› and most ppl use 72base jj
13/11/2007 02:38:38 ‹-LiOneL-› can i play bnet too?
13/11/2007 02:38:40 ‹JJ2197› Wierd people (yea Wierd)
13/11/2007 02:38:43 ‹weirdone2› but stilll binary would b funny
13/11/2007 02:38:57 ‹weirdone2› nyuuu!
13/11/2007 02:39:05 ‹-LiOneL-› ?
13/11/2007 02:39:08 ‹JJ2197› Seems like base62 should be good enough
13/11/2007 02:39:17 * weirdone2 looms over jj with clouded face
13/11/2007 02:39:23 ‹-LiOneL-› wat r u guys talking about?
13/11/2007 02:39:24 ‹JJ2197› Since it includes 0-9 A-Z a-z
13/11/2007 02:39:28 ‹weirdone2› for ter save systems
13/11/2007 02:39:37 ‹-LiOneL-› http://www.mediafire.com/myfiles.php
13/11/2007 02:39:41 ‹-LiOneL-› JJ plz check my map
13/11/2007 02:39:48 ‹JJ2197› Hexadecimal Binary ternary octal etc
13/11/2007 02:39:55 ‹weirdone2› acutally yea i think they use 62
13/11/2007 02:39:57 ‹JJ2197› I'll need the other link
13/11/2007 02:40:06 ‹weirdone2› but 72 would b better ;P
13/11/2007 02:40:07 ‹-LiOneL-› nt dis?
13/11/2007 02:40:34 ‹JJ2197› Well I guess if you want to include like = and shit like that
13/11/2007 02:40:44 ‹-LiOneL-› http://www.mediafire.com/?f2zdmtymy0y
13/11/2007 02:41:06 ‹weirdone2› add ~!@#$%^&*()+=-_ and you could shrinkg a 50 code system even more >:O