08/22/2010 9:49 PM (#1455) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on Web, wc3edit.net
zablex: Hmmmmmmm this is ... sum kind of shit >
zablex: oh and... why is my nick so blue
zablex: and why mod nicks're pink xD
FatherSpace: Why not?
UndeadxAssassin: Pink is amazing.
zablex: pink is gay
2Pac: It's not gay.
zablex: well not for girls
zablex: girls cant be gay
zablex: xD
Dekar: sure they can - only makes them hotter :D
2Pac: :D
UndeadxAssassin: o_o....
GeorgeMots: :D
zablex: XD
FatherSpace: Pink is also for manly men.
2Pac: well, no comment on that one, haha :D
UndeadxAssassin: Gay means happy ;o
zablex: Gay means rainbowz all teh day D:
UndeadxAssassin: Which is happy! xD
zablex: kindof
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