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01/12/2010 1:59 AM (#1435) | Rating: 15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a one star rating!15 | Click here to give a three star rating!15 | Click here to give a four star rating!15 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web,

Dekar: you didn't pay your tithes - only a witch would do that
UndeadxAssassin: Uh.
UndeadxAssassin: I meant to say I AM out of town.
UndeadxAssassin: :D.
Dekar: okay you have time till tomorrow
Dekar: I think she lives in Pasadena in Maryland
UndeadxAssassin: O_O
Dekar: Gotta contact the local witchhunters
UndeadxAssassin: I'm still confused about how you knew that o.o
Dekar: I just asked GOD :D
ChatBot: Dekar has been logged out (Timeout).
UndeadxAssassin: I'm scared to know how DEkar knew where I lived o.o
UndeadxAssassin: I don't remember ever telling him o.o


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