Norton deleted AUTOCP
(08:22:24) Tupac_Shakur: LOL
(08:22:36) Tupac_Shakur: HAHAHAHAHHAHA, sorry man, but this is just..funny as hell
(08:22:39) Ozzapoo: Delete norton now!
(08:22:43) Black-Hole: This is the first time nortons ever given me a False reading...
(08:22:44) Ozzapoo: did you pay for that shit?
(08:22:53) Black-Hole: Norton 2010 is amazing im sorry
(08:22:56) Tupac_Shakur: pay for whut?
(08:23:00) Black-Hole: Norton
(08:23:14) Tupac_Shakur: was it expensive?
(08:23:22) Black-Hole: 100$ a year...
(08:23:25) Black-Hole: for 3 computer
(08:23:29) Tupac_Shakur: LOL
(08:23:36) Hillo: fail
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