11/30/2009 11:06 PM (#1423) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on some other network, wc3edit.net chat
(14:04:43) UndeadxAssassin: I just tried to swat a fly with my cursor o_o..
12/18/2009 8:29 AM by Bartimaeus (#1427) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on some other network, wc3edit.net chat
(2009.12.17 - 23:20:58) Bartimaeus: See ya', guys.
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:01) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs out of the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:05) Ozzapoo: Cya
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:06) (Aardvark): Cause Pluto dosnt travel in a normal Patturn around the Sun like the other plannets its traveling suggests its being pulled by the planet nearest it
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:14) Ozzapoo: Now im relatively certain bart's not coming back
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:23) Ozzapoo: So let's talk shit about him!
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:31) (Aardvark): You can!
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:32) kiwwi93: lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:39) (Aardvark):
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:41) Ozzapoo: Ok
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:44) Ozzapoo: ..
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:47) Ozzapoo: Bart sucks! XD
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:51) kiwwi93: yeah ill stay away from that
(2009.12.17 - 23:21:55) (Aardvark): Lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:15) (Aardvark): I wana see bart come back into the chat right now!
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:22) ChatBot: Bartimaeus logs into the Chat.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:23) Bartimaeus: A fool to the end, are we, Ozzapoo? Heheh. That'll catch up with you sooner or later.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:24) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:28) Ozzapoo: WHAT THE FUCK.
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:35) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:37) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:38) (Aardvark): ROFl
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:39) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:43) kiwwi93: HAHAHA lol
(2009.12.17 - 23:22:56) Ozzapoo: I HATE YOU
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:03) (Aardvark): I love you to ozza :p
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:10) Bartimaeus: Hopefully, this'll be the last time I have to come in here. I would be VERY disappointed otherwise, Ozzapoo.
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:18) (Aardvark): Bart
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:28) Bartimaeus: Good sir, yes?
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:33) (Aardvark): Were you somehow watching the chat?
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:37) Ozzapoo: That implies somebody is telling you I'm saying bad things about you ;O
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:37) (Aardvark): ROFL
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:46) Bartimaeus: How can I be watching the chat? I logged off.
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:53) (Aardvark): :/
(2009.12.17 - 23:23:54) Bartimaeus: Unless I'm kiwwi. Think about that.
12/18/2009 10:52 PM by Bartimaeus (#1428) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on some other network, wc3edit.net chat
(2009.12.18 - 13:49:46) lichistheman: Are you german?
(2009.12.18 - 13:49:50) lichistheman: Or do you speak German?
(2009.12.18 - 13:49:58) Bartimaeus: ...No, I'm American. And nope.
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:05) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's problem?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:08) UndeadxAssassin: ...
(she deletes the two previous messages)
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:11) lichistheman: Darn, well, can you still get on mumble?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:11) UndeadxAssassin: I'm half drunk again
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:13) Bartimaeus: ...
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:14) UndeadxAssassin: I meant brother*
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:14) Bartimaeus: lol
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:22) Bartimaeus: I don't have Mumble.
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:27) lichistheman: Get it?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:36) Bartimaeus: lol Undead
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:38) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's brother?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:47) Bartimaeus: (2009.12.18 - 13:50:05) UndeadxAssassin: Are you Dekar's problem?
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:0 UndeadxAssassin: ...
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:51) lichistheman: DAMIT
(2009.12.18 - 13:50:55) UndeadxAssassin: Stop that.
(2009.12.18 - 13:51:04) UndeadxAssassin: Posts are deleted for a reason!
(2009.12.18 - 13:51:06) Bartimaeus: Thank you for your patronage, Undeadx.
12/18/2009 11:08 PM by Bartimaeus (#1429) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on some other network, wc3edit.net
009.12.18 - 14:03:33) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /afk
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:36) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /Away
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:38) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /away
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:41) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /brb
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:43) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /dnd
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:45) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /cry
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:47) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /sad
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:51) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /mad
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:52) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /error
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:56) ChatBot: Error: Missing username.
(2009.12.18 - 14:03:59) (Aardvark): ...
One comment |
07/22/2010 9:27 PM (#1450) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on Web, fatherspace = meen
HE TOLD ME TO SOD OFF :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
07/22/2010 9:22 PM (#1449) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on Web, www.wc3edit.net
iamsopro1: hi fatherspace
FatherSpace: Sod off.
05/28/2010 1:22 PM by Ozzapoo (#1445) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on MSN
(9:23:32 PM) dekar@jabber.ccc.de: victor likes gay colors
(14:20:16) ozzapoo: Btw, love the worm
(14:20:25) Dekar: worm?
(14:20:28) ozzapoo: wait
(14:20:29) ozzapoo: what is it?
(14:20:33) ozzapoo: your mascot
(14:20:37) Dekar: you tell me
(14:20:48) ozzapoo: no idea =/
(14:20:49) ozzapoo: snake?
(14:20:51) Dekar: -.-
(14:20:52) ozzapoo: python?
(14:20:56) Dekar: -.-
(14:20:57) ozzapoo: eel!
(14:20:58) ozzapoo: OH YEAH!
(14:20:58) Dekar: :D
(14:20:59) ozzapoo: :D
(14:21:05) ozzapoo: lol
(14:21:09) ozzapoo: im an idiot XD
(14:21:12) Dekar: man it has lightning
(14:21:18) ozzapoo: lol
ALICE: What were we talking about again?
Human: about commiting suicide
ALICE: Oh yeah, we were talking about commiting suicide.
Human: do you like commiting suicide?
ALICE: No, I don't care for it.
Human: have you tried so far?
ALICE: Do you think I should try it?
Human: of course
ALICE: Ayuh.
Human: what is that supposed to mean?
ALICE:" Ayuh." means exactly what it says.
Human: so Ayuh I guess?
ALICE: Yeah that's right. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
01/20/2009 7:51 AM (#70) | Rating: Click the stars to vote! on Web, http://www.schneier.com/
We used to quip that "password" is the most common password. Now it's "password1." Who said users haven't learned anything about security?
One comment |