BASH your life!

10/15/2012 7:26 PM (#1508) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network

(21:09:50) UndeadxAssassin: yur typin gbetre than I am
(21:09:56) UndeadxAssassin: :9
(21:10:00) UndeadxAssassin:
(21:10:02) AbusivePie: Yar much better
(21:10:23) AbusivePie: If you type slower o.o
(21:10:27) AbusivePie: You would make better sense
(21:12:31) UndeadxAssassin: Id on't want to take five minutes to type a secntence

10/15/2012 7:28 PM (#1509) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat

(22:26:37) UndeadxAssassin: If you changed your user group to refrigerator users, would you be able to game it back?

11/26/2012 2:28 AM (#1512) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

(20:13:16) UndeadxAssassin: Same reason people look in the fridge two minutes after the last time they look.
(20:13:32) UndeadxAssassin: Maybe someone/something magically popped in during the time you weren't there.
(20:13:37) Bartimaeus: Who does that, Jen, o.o
(20:13:40) UndeadxAssassin: I do ;o
(20:13:49) UndeadxAssassin: I feel like something would magically appear
(20:13:54) UndeadxAssassin: if I don't look at it for 10 minutes
(20:13:54) Bartimaeus: I like how you threw "someone" in there.
(20:14:05) Bartimaeus: You found a random body in your fridge! Yay!
(20:15:26) UndeadxAssassin: If I was hungry enough, it wouldn't be there for long ;o

12/23/2012 4:53 AM by UndeadxAssassin (#1513) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, wc3edit chat

We were talking about showing our parents how well we did on tests and stuff.

(23:43:46) Bartimaeus: I never gave my mother any assignments I had except math ones, o.o
(23:43:57) UndeadxAssassin: ...because she was the one that grades them?
(23:43:57) UndeadxAssassin: :o
(23:44:03) Bartimaeus:
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
(23:44:18) UndeadxAssassin: LOL
(23:44:20) Bartimaeus: rofl
(23:44:21) Bartimaeus: public*

04/20/2013 2:19 AM (#1521) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, chat immortalizing moments of Jen being wrong and me being right since late 2007

(21:12:48) Bartimaeus:​forums/read/7.406182-Razer-Will-H​onor-90-Percent-Coupon-Codes
(21:14:12) UndeadxAssassin: If only I had heard of that earlier :o
(21:14:18) Bartimaeus: I know! :|
(21:14:28) Bartimaeus: Would've gotten one of everything. ;o
(21:14:34) Bartimaeus: and then sold most of it
(21:14:53) UndeadxAssassin: It says they're only doing your first item purchase o.o
(21:14:55) UndeadxAssassin: lrn2reed
(21:15:05) Bartimaeus: I thought it was one of each item purchased, o.o
(21:15:22) Bartimaeus: "Razer won't honor multiple unit orders made with the code, but will allow customers who placed them to buy one of each item ordered."
(21:15:24) Bartimaeus: lrn2reed
(21:15:28) UndeadxAssassin: ur face.

One comment

06/15/2013 3:26 AM by UndeadxAssassin (#1523) | Rating: 11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a one star rating!11 | Click here to give a three star rating!11 | Click here to give a four star rating!11 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web, wc3edit

(23:21:56) Bartimaeus: I'm a Twilight Princess

07/03/2008 11:30 PM by Dekar (#60) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Web,

*We were discussing whether we should speak english or german in chat...
‹Dekar› So what? someone else could join O.o
‹King-Bushido› then i'll use the /kick command and we can talk :D
‹Dekar› kick ftw :D

05/06/2009 8:55 AM (#78) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on Jabber / Google Talk, Maxx93

Very good resourse :
[url=]illegal scavenger hunt list[/url]
<a href=>illegals take georgia jobs</a> <a href=>pelosi 12 million illegal immigrants tax</a>'s-outline.html


06/30/2011 1:11 AM (#1492) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network,

(02:00:00) GeorgeMots: I dont believe you
(02:00:07) owner123: ITs not dekar
(02:00:09) owner123: I compared Ips.
(02:00:21) Shigekazu: its 2pac from the dead!
(02:00:26) (735319): Here in the old world we have dynamic IPs
(02:00:33) (735319): They change all the time
(02:00:38) owner123: . But I looked at every Ip you posted from
(02:00:49) (735319): I get a new one every 24h
(02:01:35) GeorgeMots: Im not sure if its dekar or not
(02:01:38) GeorgeMots: owner what you think/
(02:01:39) GeorgeMots: ?
(02:01:43) (735319): Do you really dare questioning me?
(02:01:45) owner123: Idk..
(02:02:04) GeorgeMots: I do
(02:02:06) Shigekazu: so uhm, whos dekar?
(02:02:10) GeorgeMots: Wtf
(02:02:11) owner123: Forum maker
(02:02:11) owner123:
(02:02:13) GeorgeMots: you dont know dekar?
(02:02:17) GeorgeMots: sorry
(02:02:19) GeorgeMots: its
(02:02:20) GeorgeMots: Dekar
(02:02:20) Shigekazu: I was here for 2 days -.-
(02:02:39) GeorgeMots: Owner banhammer this guest
(02:02:45) owner123: lol
(02:02:48) GeorgeMots: He is impersonating dekar
(02:02:50) owner123: I think its dekar
(02:02:55) (735319): Lies!
(02:02:57) owner123: dare questioning me?
(02:03:01) owner123: ;o
(02:03:05) owner123: Thats a quote btw
(02:03:08) owner123: And
(02:03:12) owner123: Idk
(02:03:14) owner123: :o
(02:03:24) GeorgeMots: quote?
(02:03:26) GeorgeMots: from where?
(02:03:30) owner123: Nvm
(02:03:35) (735319): I didn't quote anyone
(02:03:35) Shigekazu: whats wrong with logging into the account of dekar >.>?
(02:03:40) owner123: It was this
(02:03:40) owner123: (18:01:43) (735319): Do you really dare questioning me?
(02:03:43) (735319): but myself
(02:03:55) GeorgeMots: You are not dekar
(02:03:59) GeorgeMots: IPs dont match
(02:04:07) (735319): Your mom is not Dekar
(02:04:12) owner123: Lol watch him log on and kick me if I ban him ;P
(02:04:44) ChatBot: (735319) has been logged out (Kicked).
(02:04:47) owner123: rawr.
(02:04:49) ChatBot: Banned Users: (imsopro)
(02:04:50) ChatBot: (726132) logs into the Chat.
(02:04:52) owner123: lets see
(02:04:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(02:04:55) (726132): FU
(02:05:03) GeorgeMots: did you unban?
(02:05:06) owner123: its not dekar ;P. I dont think so atleast
(02:05:08) owner123: ytes i ddid
(02:05:12) owner123: Yes I did*
(02:05:14) GeorgeMots: you shouldnt
(02:05:16) GeorgeMots: he is trollng
(02:05:18) (726132): Your face is not Dekar!
(02:05:20) ChatBot: (726132) has been logged out (Kicked).
(02:05:26) ChatBot: Banned Users: (726132), (imsopro)
(02:05:45) GeorgeMots:
(02:05:49) owner123: Not dekar
(02:05:50) owner123: lol
(02:06:00) GeorgeMots: Ye
(02:06:04) ChatBot: Banned Users: (726132), (imsopro)
(02:06:05) ChatBot: Ban of user (726132) revoked.
(02:06:08) Shigekazu: George arn't you an admin?
(02:06:15) ChatBot: (547635) logs into the Chat.
(02:06:16) owner123: Yea
(02:06:19) GeorgeMots: Yes i am
(02:06:19) owner123: lol
(02:06:21) owner123: hes back
(02:06:28) ChatBot: (547635) logs out of the Chat.
(02:06:29) GeorgeMots: cause i revoked him
(02:06:34) ChatBot: (378750) logs into the Chat.
(02:06:38) ChatBot: (378750) logs out of the Chat.
(02:06:39) Shigekazu: Don't you have equal/higher powers than onwer o.o
(02:06:42) ChatBot: (Dekar) logs into the Chat.
(02:06:43) owner123: Higher
(02:06:44) owner123: AHH
(02:06:45) Shigekazu: owner*
(02:06:46) ChatBot: owner123 logs out of the Chat.
(02:06:47) (Dekar): See!
(02:06:53) ChatBot: owner123 logs into the Chat.
(02:06:55) owner123: ;P
(02:06:56) owner123: Oh
(02:06:58) owner123: rofl
(02:06:59) owner123: you owned me
(02:07:02) owner123: well played
(02:07:03) GeorgeMots: ive got higher
(02:07:17) GeorgeMots: owner got owned
(02:07:23) owner123: ;(
(02:07:25) owner123: I sure did.
(02:07:37) owner123: well played troll .
(02:07:51) (Dekar): it somehow doesn't log me into chat O.o

06/26/2011 9:36 PM (#1491) | Rating: 10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a one star rating!10 | Click here to give a three star rating!10 | Click here to give a four star rating!10 | Click here to give a five star rating!Click the stars to vote!
on some other network, wc3edit chat

(00:01:27) UndeadxAssassin: /quit Nuuby
(00:01:2 ChatBot: Nuuby has been logged out (Kicked).
(00:01:31) ChatBot: Ban of user Nuuby revoked.
(00:01:33) magicianx126: ???
(00:01:36) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(00:01:41) UndeadxAssassin: Anyone can do it!
(00:01:50) syle222: even me?
(00:01:55) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, try it
(00:01:56) ChatBot: syle222 logs out of the Chat.
(00:01:57) Hobbeskiller: yea
(00:02:00) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(00:02:05) ChatBot: magicianx126 logs out of the Chat.
(00:02:06) UndeadxAssassin: I am such a troll ;_;
(00:02:10) UndeadxAssassin: TWO
(00:02:11) UndeadxAssassin: !